Custom OpenVMS Password Policy

OpenVMS includes the ability to extend the SET PASSWORD command to enforce a site-specific password policy. PARSEC Group can develop and integrate a policy based on your site requirements. We have developed custom policies for several of our clients to help them comply with both internal and legally mandated security requirements (HIPPA, Sarbanes-Oxley [SOX], SAS 70, etc.).
PARSEC Group has created a standardized password policy which meets the needs of many of our clients. If it does not meet your needs, consider having us develop the software solution to implement your policy.
Password Policy
Some examples of features which have been requested by previous clients include:
- Minimum number of classes of characters represented
- Minimum number of characters for each character class
- At least one numeric character in the first three characters of the password
- At least one of tilde (~), dash (-) or underscore (_)
- First and last character must not be alpha
- Last character must not be numeric
System Requirement
Requirements: One of the following versions of OpenVMS is required:
- VSI OpenVMS I64 V8.4-1H1 or later
- HP OpenVMS I64 V8.2 or later
- VSI OpenVMS Alpha V8.4-2L1 or later
- HP OpenVMS Alpha V6.2 or later
- OpenVMS VAX V6.2 or later
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